Creativity is an essential element not just in Design, but across all types of industries. It is essential in every aspect of our lives and enables us to think outside the box to solve problems and come up with new and innovative ideas. On a personal level it allows us to express our emotions and feelings and can have a positive impact on our mental health. In a work environment it can encourage innovation and problem solving which is essential for any business to thrive.
What does creativity mean?
Einstein said that "Creativity is intelligence having fun.” Creativity is the process of generating new and original ideas or solutions to a problem. As designers we are problem solvers turning everyday problems into solutions. It is about the ability to communicate an idea in a simple, effective, and visually appealing way.
Creative Burnout
You often here the term writers blocks but any creative profession can suffer from burnout. Creative burnout is the feeling that you’ve depleted all of your creativity, and there is nothing left. It usually starts in the form of stress which could be triggered by overworking, self-induced pressure, perfectionism and so on. But there are techniques which can help reset your creativity.
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Restarting your creativity
Take inspirations from the world around you. Look for inspiration in nature, art, music, and architecture. Inspiration can come from anywhere at anytime so keep an open mind.
Keep a sketch book or a journal to capture your ideas and inspiration. Channel your inner child by getting some pens and pencils and brainstorming your ideas in the form of a spider diagram or a series of sketches.
Do something you enjoy and learn to relax, Sometimes the best ideas come to us when we least expect, like on a walk or listening to music. Do not force it.
Collaborate with others. Collaborating with others can help can help you see things from a different perspective and generate new ideas that you hadn’t thought of. It can help you to learn new skills and techniques.
Practise. Creativity is like a muscle that needs to be exercised regularly. The more you tap into it the easy it will become.
Most importantly remember that no idea is a bad idea. It is about exploring options and ideas to solve a problem and not being afraid to make mistakes.